Saturday, April 24, 2010

I installed IE 7 trying to remove it but can't. Also every time I try to restore to an earlier

that it can't be restored...any suggestions....PLEASE?

I installed IE 7 trying to remove it but can't. Also every time I try to restore to an earlier date it saysmicrosoft xp

Goto - Start- Program-Control Panel-Add Remove Programs-uninstall Internet Explorer 7 (I think ur problem will solve)

I installed IE 7 trying to remove it but can't. Also every time I try to restore to an earlier date it saysdownload windows xp internet explorer

with this u can remove it and install it, best of luck.
Go to this Microsoft web site. Windows operates on explorer, so you always need some version on your computer if you're going to run the Windows operating system.

This will tell you how to revert back to version 6. I don't think you can just remove Internet Explorer and have Windows still work on your computer.

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